The Top 10 Breastfeeding Do's and Don'ts for Working Moms
To be focused at work and give your 100% when delivering your daily tasks is one thing, but to be a breastfeeding mom at the same time,...

How to Prepare an Engagement Day (When You're too Busy Working)
Having a full time job is never easy when it comes to prepare an engagement day. Gue harus mencari ide, mempersiapkan, memilih semua...

Fresh Graduate Guide to Survive Startup Hustle
Are any of you have interest in working in a startup company? to establish the same understanding on the word "startup", as usual, I will...

Sekilas Tentang Berhijrah
Oke kali ini gue akan nulis pakai bahasa Indonesia, karena i think topik yang mau gue bahas memang specifically ditujukan untuk orang...

The Other Side of Confusion
Life has stages, life is a giant textbook of what to do and what not to do, like playing a game on your Xbox, life has a level that you...

The Content Marketing Bubble
Ok First of all, i have to came up with the definition of content marketing before we can discuss it further. Content marketing is any...

5 Types of girls (or women?) in their early 20s
Well because i'm still in my early 20s and people in my observable universe (my scope of research) is people who have a similar age...

How to be smart
First of all, I defined smart not by what grade someone achieves on a certain subject, not by how many trophy he achieve and not by how...

Diary, photos, and a bookmark to memories
as a child, we always wanted to have our own diaries, that keep what's new on our life, to write what we felt when our teacher and...

How to survive a heartbreak
Well heartbreak is something that is unavoidable , at some point of our life we experienced a heartbreak. whether your being dumped by...