Fresh Graduate Guide to Survive Startup Hustle
Are any of you have interest in working in a startup company? to establish the same understanding on the word "startup", as usual, I will...

2017 and What's Going on So Far
Hi! I guess this is the first time I'm greeting you through this new blog platform. I decided to migrate from blogspot because one and...

Sekilas Tentang Berhijrah
Oke kali ini gue akan nulis pakai bahasa Indonesia, karena i think topik yang mau gue bahas memang specifically ditujukan untuk orang...

The Other Side of Confusion
Life has stages, life is a giant textbook of what to do and what not to do, like playing a game on your Xbox, life has a level that you...

Women's Day
I love how Indonesian have their own woman independence day where the celebration is based on Kartini's birthday, the first influential...

Answer in the Sound of a Train
Have you ever hated someone so much , that the only thing you want to do with them is to write a long speech of hurtful statement that...

Frugal Innovation
So we all agree that living in a developing country sometimes has many barriers in terms of starting startups company, but sometimes,...

10 Things
sometimes, I like to list down some of my favorite things and not-so-favorite things, to remind myself what I do live for 10 things I...

The Parallelism of Choice
So recently I watched a quite interesting ted talk about choice and the process when we make one. He said that the most common mistake...

Stop and Look Up
When you are spending time with someone. did you hold your phone all the time in your hand? Stop checking all of your social media when...