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ACTIVITY : Kelas Inspirasi Jakarta & Bekasi 2016

Rani Tria Anggiani

Hi, guys! long time no writes, been pretty packed with work schedule and other activities. As we can see, we already reach the end of the year, I don't know about you guys but I feel this year goes so fast. I have to say that this year is the best year I had so far in the last 5 years, that's because I tried to involves myself in several activities that excite and inspires me at the same time. One of them is the opportunity to be one of the voluntary inspirators at Kelas Inpsirasi.

So for start, what is Kelas Inspirasi? It's not as complicated as it seems, it's just as simple as sharing interesting stories to elementary kids about what we do for living as a professional worker. The goal? is to introduce different kinds of occupation to kids, so they know that there are so many opportunities for different kind of talents and interests. Remember how our elementary textbook always mentioned occupation like pilot, doctor, teacher, president and we always thought that growing up we just have those kinds of job as an option? and we realize that we have another option along the way as we grow up, but at that time it's a little too late and we just have a short time to prepare everything. That's what we are trying to change, and why this program chose elementary children as the target. The earlier they know what they want , the better preparation they will have.

Me and fellow inspirators

The children wrote their wishes of what they want to be

The kids of SDN Padurenan II Bantar Gebang

So we were split into groups that assigned to the different public elementary school where we planned teaching schedule, ice breaking activities and other fun activities that still related to our context. As for myself , I had the privilege to be in a group with so many professionals that come from different kinds of backgrounds, such as investment banker, an environmental lawyer, pharmacist, wired line engineer, IT service provider and other inspirators with an interesting occupation that I never thought I could be friends with.

As for me, I was introducing social media manager to the children and it turns out harder than I imagined to explained such occupation. The children were pretty excited when I explained the "internet" parts , so I ended up playing google street view and showing inspirational advertising videos on youtube to them while explaining that they can make one of them if they are interested in working in technology and internet industry. Before I joined Kelas Inspirasi, i never had experience in teaching, especially in teaching elementary kids. At first, I doubt myself I could get through a 45 minutes session for each 4 classes , and I thought Kelas Inspirasi Jakarta will be my first and last teaching attempt. Turns out, the challenge and struggles in dealing with kids are not comparable with what i gain after that. Now, I already joined two Kelas Inspirasi (Jakarta&Bekasi).

I get to know and be friends with many inspiring people who devoted their life to do social activities that concerned them, I get the chance to meet the kids and kinda reminded me again of what was like to be a kid and to still believe that the world is still a good place to set new goals and dream. Growing up, we tend to forget who we were and what we want because of all the distractions and all the negativity that we face along the way. So seeing how these kids is still optimistic about their future is kinda awaken my passion that I buried a while ago.

The very cooperative students of SDN 01 Gunung Sahari Jakarta

Again, to involve yourself in social activities, you don't need to make something big in a blink of an eye. You can take part in an existing community with an issue that you care about as a start. For me, I have concerns in education, that's why I involve myself in social activities that related to that . You can start with choosing an issue that you care about and start researching communities that excite you. You never know what kind of place that will inspire you for the rest of your life.

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