2017 and What's Going on So Far
Hi! I guess this is the first time I'm greeting you through this new blog platform. I decided to migrate from blogspot because one and the other things (mostly because the template looks better lol). So yeah, it's 2017 right now, we are on the 4th month of the year and what's up with you guys? do you guys already have an interesting year or it has been "meh" so far? But don't worry, we still have another 8 months to make this year a delightful one, haven't we?.
Okay, so this year I haven't got the chance to travel anywhere, mostly because I was putting a lot of effort to make some of my life goal happen , one of them is to open an online hijab store (which I'm still working on till now), focusing on my startup, and exploring another opportunity to boost my career. My startup that I founded along with my three other co-founders still doing great, we are expanding in term of the feature but still put a lot of time to develop the technology. My hijab store still find its way to grab the market, we have order on daily basis, but I still want to expand. As for my another opportunity , I got the chance to be a marketing leader at one of rising startup called Petlogue (which the CEO also ask me to help him for the business development side). This kind of opportunity makes me feel excited, because one, I LOVE PETS, two, I LOVE MARKETING. So getting paid for the two things I am most passionate about is a bless.
I'm planning to travel somewhere though sometime soon. I feel like on this point everything goes according to my plan, and I deserve some vacation. Do you guys have suggestion on where I should go? I'm thinking a beach vacation, not the a very sporty one like diving or snorkeling. I just want to relax, enjoy a good food and view. If you guys have any recommendation, please leave it on the comment section :)
and on top of that, I met an amazing person. We got introduced at a Mosque where I usually go for a recital. No it's not Taaruf, we met and started off as friend. He watch some absurd movie that I recommended that most people won't watch because it's too weird. And from that moment, I know I have a connection (lol). I'm thankful for this guy, my goal to have a scientist boyfriend is now come true. He is also the most kind, patient, and fun person I've ever known. The only person who want to listen all of my alien, science fiction nonsense theory, just because he has the same thought about it (lol again).
Well anyway, it's been a great year for me so far, and I hope you too have a great year. If not, just be patient for a lil bit, hang in there, just do your thing and trust Allah. Well, have a nice year ahead :)
